Appreciating Our Senior Citizens

National Senior Citizens Day is just around the corner! August 21 is the “official” National Senior Citizens Day – a holiday established in 1988 by President Reagan. Senior citizens provide so many benefits to our communities – they are engaged and informed politically, they volunteer, and they provide wisdom and guidance to younger members of our society.

How will you show appreciation to the senior citizens in your life? Below are a few suggestions:

1. A simple handshake and a thank you. You may surprise a few senior citizens who may not know it is their special day, but what a great way to acknowledge them and their contribution to our community.

2. Visit a local assisted living or nursing home facility. Way too many senior citizens are living in care facilities with few visitors. You can make someone’s day by simply showing up and spending a few minutes visiting with a resident.

3.  Send hand written notes.  With email taking over as a major source of communication, not many people spend the time to write a note these days. But senior citizens remember a time when that was one of the only ways to communicate with friends and loved ones. Show them you care by taking the time to write a note to show them your appreciation.

We hope this has been helpful as you consider ways to show appreciation to a senior citizen not just on August 21, but any opportunity you get. If you know of a senior citizen who could benefit from the legal services we provide, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

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