Learning About A Revocable Living Trust in San Antonio Texas

A revocable living trust in Texas is a tool that an estate planning attorney uses to decide who will receive property after someone dies. Many living trusts are revocable meaning that they can be changed when someone wishes them to be or if circumstances change in their life. Revocable living trusts are considered living trusts because these requests are made during someone’s lifetime. With the help of a San Antonio estate planning attorney from The Voeller Law Firm, you can plan ahead and make important decisions for your family for after you pass.

About a Living Trust

This written legal document is signed by the trust maker and a notary. The document lists the property within the trust, a trustee, and the name for each piece of property. The trustee takes over the process after the trust maker dies. After this document is made with the help of an estate planning lawyer, the titled property is retitled into the name of the trust, so it is legally binding. This trust helps loved one to avoid probate court after the trust maker’s passing. When you’re concerned about what will happen to your financial assets in San Antonio Texas when you die, a revocable living trust is a good option for you.

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation with an Estate Planning Attorney in San Antonio Today

The expert legal team at Voeller Law Firm has the necessary experience to hold you to understand what estate planning documents suits your situation best. If you’re interested in learning more about how to protect your financial assets when you die, call to schedule a free consultation in San Antonio today. We serve the San Antonio Texas area. Our dedicated team of elder law lawyers have the skills and resources necessary to help our clients to find the best way to protect their assets. Call (210) 651-3851 today to learn more.

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    Voeller Law Firm

    A law practice limited to estate planning, elder law planning, probate and business planning. Through seminars and free initial consultations, the lawyers at the Voeller Law Firm can help area residents and businesses evaluate their legal needs and determine what their options are.