Estate Planning with The Voeller Law Firm

You’ve done a decent job growing your wealth. There’s a tidy sum there, enough so you can live in comfort in retirement. Our clients will tell you they credit much of their success to the estate planning experts at The Voeller Law Firm.

Like many people, you would like to do better at growing your wealth and, most importantly, preserving it over time. Yes, you’d like to live well in retirement, but you would also like to leave a legacy to your heirs. To do that, you need solid estate planning that considers all the variables that go into growing and preserving wealth. There’s a lot to estate planning; you need experts who are familiar with all of them.

Does an Estate Mean Wealth?

Do not make the mistake of confusing the two. Nearly everyone has an estate—a car, real estate, a home, checking and savings account investments, life insurance, and personal possessions. Legally, that’s considered both wealth and an estate. No matter how large or how modest, it’s worth preserving. You’d like to see it grow, enjoy it, and have a legacy to pass on when you pass. This takes wise estate planning.

Estate planning lets you take steps now to ensure that after you die, your estate (wealth) will pass on to the people and organizations you designate. It also does a lot more.

  • Leaves instructions for your care and financial affairs if you become incapacitated before you die
  • Arranges for disability income insurance to replace your income if you cannot work due to illness or injury, long-term care insurance to help pay for your care in case of an extended illness or injury, and life insurance to provide for your family at your death
  • Provides for the transfer of your business at your retirement, disability, incapacity, or death
  • Names a guardian for your minor children’s care and inheritance
  • Provides for family members with special needs without disqualifying them from government benefits
  • Provides for loved ones who might be irresponsible with money or who may need protection from creditors or in the event of divorce
  • Minimizes taxes, court costs, and unnecessary legal fees, which may include funding assets into a living trust, completing or updating beneficiary designations, or otherwise aligning your assets with your estate plan

Don’t Wait

Protect your loved ones now. Estate Planning is the most important step you can take in life to ensure that your loved ones receive the full measure of what they are entitled to after your death.

Estate Planning is not just for retirees and the wealthy. No one can predict how long we will live, and illness and accidents happen to people of all ages. Good estate planning is often more important for families with modest assets because the loss of time and funds resulting from poor planning is more impactful.

Plan Now

The Voeller Law Firm specializes in all aspects of estate planning. If you have questions and need help with your planning, contact us by calling (210) 651-3851 or using our online contact form to send a message and set up a consultation.

We serve San Antonio, Schertz, and the surrounding communities of Bexar County.

The Voeller Law Firm

19311 FM 2252

Suite 103

San Antonio, Texas 78266

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    Voeller Law Firm

    A law practice limited to estate planning, elder law planning, probate and business planning. Through seminars and free initial consultations, the lawyers at the Voeller Law Firm can help area residents and businesses evaluate their legal needs and determine what their options are.