San Antonio Estate Attorney Blog

LLC Formation – Protect Yourself from Creditors and Lawsuits

Here you are, just starting in business. Things are going well. Then some disgruntled person decides...

Business Succession Planning – A Contingency Plan

You started a business, and over time, it’s done well. But you won’t be here forever...

Medicaid Planning Attorney – Planning for Your Life Needs

When you begin thinking about your elder years, it’s wise to start planning for your life...

Elder Law Attorney – Protecting Your Later Life

Planning for the day when an elder person needs long-term care and other services can be...

Living Will – Control Your Life

More than a few parlor room conversations revolve around how much medical treatment is acceptable in...

Wills – Make Your Wishes Official

Whether you have accrued modest assets or have a considerable nest egg, you must designate who...

Revocable Trust – Asset Protection in a Changing Environment

When planning your estate, your attorney may suggest a Revocable Trust as the centerpiece of the...

Probate Attorney – Taking The Mystery Out of the Entire Process

Probate—you hear the term bandied about in a mostly negative context. There’s a reason for that....

Asset Protection – The Art of Keeping What You Earn

You’ve worked hard and built a nice nest egg. Your estate plan is in order. There...

Living Trusts – Avoid Probate

A Living Trust is a legal arrangement established by an individual (the grantor) during their lifetime...

Estate Planning with The Voeller Law Firm

You’ve done a decent job growing your wealth. There’s a tidy sum there, enough so you...

Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Elder Law Attorney

Lawyers today specialized in distinct areas of the law. Elder law attorneys focus on serving the...
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