A San Antonio Power of Attorney Can Help

If you need to give someone else permission to execute documents or take actions on your behalf, a San Antonio power of attorney from the Voeller Law Firm can help with the process. A power of attorney is a legal document that gives permission for another person to act on your behalf because you are unable. This can be for a specific situation and short term or long term and ongoing. This is often useful when there is an elderly or ill individual that needs to give permission to a loved one to write checks for them, sign documents for them or do other types of banking.

What the San Antonio Power of Attorney Lawyer Will Need to Know.

A lawyer from our Texas law firm will need to understand the nature of the power of attorney that you need to give you the right document. If this is for the sale of property, one of our attorneys will need exact details to put into a power of attorney as well as an end term for the document. If this is for ongoing needs such as caring for an elderly or ill individual, there will be no set end date unless and until the individual terminates the power of attorney. We will need to understand the relationship between the parties and be sure the individual who is the power of attorney is competent to do so.

Visit with a San Antonio Power of Attorney Lawyer to Learn More.

Contacting a professional for a San Antonio power of attorney will give you the information that you need to decide if the document will help you the way you need it to. Consider how long you need the document for and what you hope to gain from it. The lawyer will be happy to go over the process and show you how it can be helpful. They may even have some excellent suggestions of how to handle additional related documents that you could benefit from. Reach out today to find out if this is the next step. Call the Voeller Law Firm for a consultation with one of our Texas lawyers at 210-651-3851.

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    Voeller Law Firm

    A law practice limited to estate planning, elder law planning, probate and business planning. Through seminars and free initial consultations, the lawyers at the Voeller Law Firm can help area residents and businesses evaluate their legal needs and determine what their options are.