If you’re a veteran, or the spouse of a veteran, and need additional help in the realms of aid and attendance, you can confidently contact The Voeller Law Firm for the assistance and expert advice you need. The Voeller Law Firm proudly serves the communities of San Antonio, Bexar County, Comal County, Guadalupe County, and South Texas areas. And as a veteran, you are guaranteed the respect, dignity, and relentlessness you deserve for your aid and attendance case.
Understanding Aids and Attendance
Aid and Attendance is a benefit paid by Veterans Affairs (VA) to veterans or surviving spouses of veterans. The Aid and Attendance stipend is given in addition to any qualifying aid, such as a veteran’s basic pension.
The Vets.Gov further outlines that “if you need help with your daily activities, or you’re housebound, you may qualify for Aid and Attendance or Housebound allowances.” They also add that the stipend can be added to already existing monies allocated.
Vets.Gov also states that there are two ways that the Aid and Attendance stipend can be obtained. The first is through a request in writing made to the Pension Management Center. The other way is to visit your regional office and apply in person.
The Voeller Law Firm, Your Aid and Attendance Advocates
Veterans or their widows may be eligible for additional income through the Veterans Aid and Attendance program. You or your veteran spouse proudly served our country. You should be able to have the funds you need for daily life and its activities. Let The Voeller Law Firm assist you with the complexities, intricacies and details of your Aid and Attendance case.
The Voeller Law Firm has the experience, skill set and proficiency to effectively and relentlessly help you obtain the monies you need for a satisfactory quality of life. Don’t worry about obtaining your Aid and Attendance stipend by yourself. Let the experienced attorneys at The Voeller Law Firm be the advocates you need. Contact The Voeller Law Firm today to discuss your Aid and Attendance case!