A Living Trust is a legal arrangement established by an individual (the grantor) during their lifetime to protect their assets and direct distribution after their death. As an estate planning tool, it helps heirs and family members avoid a long public and sometimes contentious probate process. What is Probate? Probate is a legal process completed when...Read More
You’ve done a decent job growing your wealth. There’s a tidy sum there, enough so you can live in comfort in retirement. Our clients will tell you they credit much of their success to the estate planning experts at The Voeller Law Firm. Like many people, you would like to do better at growing your...Read More
Lawyers today specialized in distinct areas of the law. Elder law attorneys focus on serving the needs of older people – respectfully referred to as, senior citizens. Attorneys provide counsel and perform services not only to the elder community but to their families as well. In hiring an elder attorney, you hire a professional who...Read More
It is never too soon to hire an elderly attorney. As time goes on, we tend to think of age as “only a number.” To an extent, that is true; however, people today live longer more productive lives well into their 80s and 90s. Good health is generally the catalyst. The reality of aging comes...Read More
The administration of an estate and trust administration have in common moving financial parts than you might not expect. There are, however, different hard and fast rules governing each. While estate administration deals with the distribution of assets as stipulated in a Will; trust administration covers assets placed in trust by a grantor for named...Read More
The answer is: not really. All trusts are set up to manage assets while a person is alive. Differences in trusts are more stylistic, depending upon what benefits the grantor is seeking to achieve. A trust is a fiduciary arrangement that allows a third party, or trustee, to hold assets on behalf of a named...Read More
Medicaid planning encompasses a wide variety of services provided by professionals and volunteers. A general definition is any assistance provided to a potential Medicaid applicant in preparing their Medicaid application. Medicaid planning can be as basic as assistance with document preparation or as complicated as a complete restructuring of one’s financial assets to ensure the...Read More
You can’t run a business, regardless of its size, without talented people. The trick is to ensure continuity in their various roles. When they leave, you’ll want to be sure that a qualified person is there, ready to take their place. The most successful companies can experience a downturn in operations should someone they relied...Read More
No matter where you find yourself in life, planning for the future is important. Whether your family is just beginning to grow, or you are moving into retirement, estate planning is a way to protect your wishes and your legacy. Whatever your financial status or age, your assets should be protected during the best and...Read More
Any estate planning attorney will answer that question with an emphatic yes. Pose the same question to someone involved in decision-making for an incapacitated family member. They’ll give you the same answer. Life is full of unpleasant surprises. One day you are hale and hearty, the next incapacitated, incapable of making decisions that affect your...Read More
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