
October 2017
When it becomes necessary to put family members in long-term care facilities, we expect our loved ones to be treated well. Unfortunately, a recent study by AARP revealed that cities such as San Antonio and all throughout the state of Texas ranked towards the bottom (35th overall) for quality of life and care in this...
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People are living longer and life expectancy continues to increase. As a result, planning for the possibility of long-term health care has become a critical component of estate planning. Long-term health care is expensive. Whether the health care is provided in a nursing home or the patient’s home, costs can quickly deplete even the wealthiest...
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For some business owners, a limited liability company, also known as an LLC, is the optimum business structure because it limits the owner’s legal responsibility and has features similar to both corporations and partnerships. LLC means that the member cannot be held personally responsible for business debts and obligations. In an LLC, the member’s personal...
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A living will is one type of a multitude of estate plans that exist. It allows a person to express their medical and end-of-life treatment decisions and provide clear medical instructions to family members and healthcare professionals. The purpose of a living will is to ensure that a person’s medical care wishes are honored should...
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A revocable living trust is a written agreement designating someone to be responsible for managing your property and estate. It’s called a living trust because it’s established while you’re alive. Common reasons for creating a living trust include: avoiding probate increased confidentiality since living trusts are never made a matter of public record reducing taxes...
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